Launching a New Medical Practice in Concierge Medicine
ZüpMed came to Mavericks Marketing while launching a new medical practice specializing in concierge and personalized medicine in a market unfamiliar with these services. They sought to introduce and establish their unique healthcare model while increasing brand awareness and driving new patient sign-ups.


The challenge for ZüpMed was introducing and establishing a new medical practice specializing in concierge and personalized medicine in a market that was largely unfamiliar with these types of services. Overcoming skepticism and educating potential patients about the benefits of this healthcare model were critical to achieving significant brand awareness and driving patient sign-ups. Additionally, ZüpMed needed to differentiate themselves from traditional medical practices and highlight the unique value of their personalized approach to healthcare.

We like to describe ZüpMed as “intentionally different.” We believe that powerful medicine works even better in the presence of trust, mutual respect, and care. We enjoy the fact that we get to know our patients, and we encourage regular visits, easy communication, and continuity of care so that we can help our members live their healthiest lives.


Developed a Cohesive Marketing Strategy that involved education, video storytelling and strived for the cost per new patient acquisition of less than $25. Focused on the affluent local market in our targeting, created extensive membership model education and local search engine optimization to grow website domain authority.

Increase Brand Awareness and New Patient Sign-Ups

Dollar Average Cost Per New Patient
Average Website Conversion Rate
Increase in Organic Search Year over Year

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